I am voluntarily participating in a class, or classes provided by JHI Get Fit! LLC. I will be receiving instruction and information concerning fitness and wellness techniques, which may include weight training and other physical activities. I represent and warrant that I have no physical or mental health condition that would prevent my safe participation in these classes. I agree that if I am pregnant or have a known cardiac arrhythmia (including very slow heart rate), a history of heart block, or if I am taking antipsychotic medications that may result in an adverse reaction in connection with physical activities, I will consult with and obtain the permission of a physician prior to engaging in any weight training or other physical activities in connection with these classes.
I am willingly and voluntarily assuming any risks, injuries, or damages, known and unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in these classes, and agree that JHI Get Fit! LLC will not have any liability for such injuries or damages, to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law.
I acknowledge and agree that JHI Get Fit! LLC is not a medical professional and does not provide any medical diagnoses or treatments. I agree that if I have any medical condition, I will seek the help of a medical professional.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, I hereby (a) waive and release any claims, known or unknown, I may have against JHI Get Fit! LLC, including its instructors, officers, directors and employees and agents, arising from or in connection with the services provided by JHI Get Fit! LLC Claims”) and agree to indemnify JHI Get Fit! LLC, including its instructors, officers, directors and employees and agents, from and against any and all Claims.
I expressly waive all rights afforded by any statute which limits the effect of a release with respect to unknown claims.