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To register for JHI Get Fit! (Referred to as JHI for convenience) please read the following policies and waiver agreement, and if you accept them, digitally sign and submit the form. New participants signing up for sessions and those returning to sessions after a two-month break must sign and submit this policy and waiver agreement along with registration. Thank you!

NOTE: If you have signed up for sessions with JHI and are continuing your enrollment month-to-month, your signed  policy and enrollment agreement will be valid for all sessions for the year until JHI makes any updates or changes to the agreement. Participants are required to inform JHI if there are any changes (any time after enrollment) in their personal situations that may invalidate this agreement. 




  2. Zoom link for registrants will be sent along with registration receipt and schedule upon enrollment.

  3. JHI monthly sessions run every four weeks. JHI follows U.S. calendar for holidays and will be closed accordingly. However, the 4-week cycle will be accounted for taking into consideration any upcoming holidays in the month, and the start and end date of the four-week cycle will be scheduled accordingly. Weekdays sessions offered in the morning and evening are the same except the sequence may differ but both sessions get the equal number of classes and formats. Makeup is only for weekday sessions and is either morning or evening the same day of missed session. Any free sessions offered is at the discretion of JHI and will be conducted if minimum 3 members are in attendance. 

  4. JHI sessions registration for all members will be one week prior to start of a new cycle and there will be a firm registration deadline prior to the start of the 4-week cycle.

  5. Any cancellations will be considered if JHI Get Fit! (JHI) is notified by email ( or by other online method such as via txt msg, permitted by JHI.

  6. Notifications of cancellation must be made one business day prior to cycle start date and thereafter no refunds will be issued whether participant attends or not. Refunds will be processed and issued as per mutual agreement between JHI and the participant and also within the time frame set by the payment receiving financial institutions.

  7. JHI payment is upfront for every two months of the program cycle. New or returning members who wish to join in-between a current cycle can do so by paying the per session fee for the remaining days in the current cycle plus paying for the upcoming two months and making the payment. The payment will also be non-refundable in this situation. These and other details related to program selection will be available on the registration page for participants to choose from prior to registration.

  8. ​​Note: JHI reserves the right to change the format, structure, or sequence of classes and if for some reason JHI is unable to conduct sessions that were paid for and cancels them totally without providing a re-run of the missed session, a refund for the cancelled sessions will be issued to paid participants. Paid fitness workout sessions will be cancelled if there are less than 4 participants at the start of cycle, and any special add on paid programs like roadmaps may be cancelled if JHI does not have the required number of participants that JHI has pre-determined for sessions to be held, and this will be communicated to participants a day prior to the start of session. The participant payment for such paid sessions will be refunded in time frame mutually agreed upon by JHI and participant. 




  1. ​Participants are required to wear appropriate clothing and shoes for the virtual sessions to ensure that they are exercising safely without risk of injury. Participants are required to follow the specified instructions for correct usage of equipment that is required for the workouts. Only equipment designed for fitness and approved by JHI for the workouts and sessions are to be used.  Participants who do not choose to follow the rules are participating at their own risk.

  2. JHI sessions do not require any heavy or expensive equipment. Participants will be informed of any exercise materials or accessories used in the workout and participants can choose to purchase them on their own or can participate without any of the equipment. JHI does not promote or endorse any product used in the workouts.

  3. Participants are allowed to login from only one device and participants are required to come on camera to confirm login prior to start of session. Participants may not at any time record any audio or video of the sessions. JHI will not record sessions or participant/participants without prior permission.

  4. It is mandatory for participants to keep their video camera on at all times for the duration of the workout sessions including trial sessions. Participants cannot leave the session to go attend personal calls or other commitments and return back in-between a live session. 

  5. New participants registering for sessions must be prepared to attend mandatory onboarding meets after registration, in the first week of their cycle, as scheduled by JHI. This is mandatory and must be considered by participants as a commitment, prior to registration in JHI weekday sessions.

  6. Individual one to one coaching, or monitoring each participant is not feasible in a virtual group fitness class. General corrective guidelines will be provided to the group as whole by the instructor before, during, or after workouts.  However, participants are encouraged to ask Instructor for clarification and guidelines pertaining to specific instructions.



  1. I am voluntarily participating in a class, or classes provided by JHI Get Fit! LLC. I will be receiving instruction and information concerning fitness and wellness techniques, which may include weight training and other physical activities. I represent and warrant that I have no physical or mental health condition that would prevent my safe participation in these classes. I agree that if I am pregnant or have a known cardiac arrhythmia (including very slow heart rate), a history of heart block, or if I am taking antipsychotic medications that may result in an adverse reaction in connection with physical activities, I will consult with and obtain the permission of a physician prior to engaging in any weight training or other physical activities in connection with these classes.

  2. I am willingly and voluntarily assuming any risks, injuries, or damages, known and unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in these classes, and agree that JHI Get Fit! LLC will not have any liability for such injuries or damages, to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law.

  3. I acknowledge and agree that JHI Get Fit! LLC is not a medical professional and does not provide any medical diagnoses or treatments. I agree that if I have any medical condition, I will seek the help of a medical professional.

  4. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, I hereby (a) waive and release any claims, known or unknown, I may have against JHI Get Fit! LLC, including its instructors, officers, directors and employees and agents, arising from or in connection with the services provided by JHI Get Fit! LLC Claims”) and agree to indemnify JHI Get Fit! LLC, including its instructors, officers, directors and employees and agents, from and against any and all Claims.

  5. I expressly waive all rights afforded by any statute which limits the effect of a release with respect to unknown claims.

Thanks for Submitting!

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